A Review of "Seaside Nights" by Melissa Foster

This is the first book I have read by Melissa Foster involving the characters in this story. Obviously I have been missing out and have been so impressed by this story that I need to go and read the rest!
I love the way two people are obviously so perfect for each other - Sky and Sawyer - however there is a great big "but" that threatens the future of their relationship. The chemistry is there for all to see and Sky doesn't hold back on that, however Sawyer's choice of career, or, way to earn good money, proves to be a controversial point and one that Sky is not sure she can handle. Although Sawyer has very good reason to do what he was doing, Sky wishes he would stick to music and poetry, things she is very comfortable with and what brought them together, asides from the obvious physical attraction and need for each other.
This book is full of strong and colourful characters, Sky being one of the strongest. Relationships figure largely as there is so much interaction between relatives and friends, all of whom Sky has to handle without losing herself.
I admire as well the very realistic and considerate way that Sawyer's father's illness is incorporated into the story. Such situations are so common but rarely brought into the world of fiction.
From hot and spicy to sensitive and sad, this story kept my attention while flying back across the Atlantic (appropriately) to England! I highly recommend this book to everyone taking the time to read this review.
Congratulations Melissa on a fabulous book!!!
Congratulations Melissa on a fabulous book!!!
I'm so happy my characters kept you company on your long trip! It sounds like you really enjoyed it--thank you for your amazing review and for joining the tour! Have a wonderful week OXOXO