The Other Side of Morning by Jo Lambert

Review of “The Other Side of Morning” by Jo Lambert

This story has everything from love and sex, to deception and violence, with a variety of  emotive scenarios in between. Set in opulent surroundings with luxury lifestyles, the reader is transported between the Pacific, England, and the European continent, at a pace guaranteed to cause whiplash!

At first it was difficult to keep on top of the many characters whose lives are intriguingly braided together by family, friendship and, in most cases - loyalty.  After a few chapters it becomes easier to form a picture of the many colourful individuals as one gets to know them better, and remember who everyone is.

This novel tells the tale of two strong willed personalities, Marco and Charlotte, who are so obviously meant for each other but  many obstacles stand in their way - primarily, Marco's step-mother, who has a hidden agenda centred around greed, with dire consequences!  The lengths that Therese is willing to go to jeopardize the relationship between the couple would shock even Snow White's wicked step mother. She doesn't hesitate to embroil an innocent young girl in her plot, attempting to control her as well as her husband and step-son, teaching her all the skills of manipulation.

While Marco and Charlotte's world is littered with frustration, disappointment and trust issues, other relationships are formed among the rest of the characters. Some are well chosen, others not so....

There is a glimpse into the lifestyle of a rock star whose personality takes a turn for the better after a starting impression that creates an instant dislike of him  for the reader. In spite of the personal transformation, old habits lead to tragedy for the superstar that causes heartache for those left behind wondering exactly what had happened.

The joy of this book is that as soon as it seems that everything is going well and that the happy ending may be approaching, something or someone throws a spanner in the works and, happily, that means a few more fascinating chapters unfolding!

I really enjoyed this story, as much for allowing my imagination to have free range of the landscapes and glamour, as for the intricate story-webs (a new expression!) in the book. Money, champagne and luxury flow freely, a great escape from most people's daily reality!

I read this book on my commute to work, an escape I looked forward to each day that I spent immersed. It was difficult to stop myself from keeping on reading once I got home but like with chocolates, I rationed myself to make the experience last longer! 

Thank you to Jonty and Brook Cottage Books for the introduction, and, well done to Jo Lambert!!  Happy Launch Day!!


  1. Fab review. Thanks for taking part in the promo. x


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