Review of "Dead Hope" by Nicky Wells

An absorbing story, fabulous characters and a dramatic finale! A book you won't want to put down!!! A man called Kay ... a story in it's own right, but it gets way more interesting when he meets a woman called Annabelle...or is that who she is? "Annabelle" takes a thankless, mundane job in an office - her first "real world" employment. Her new life has been thrust upon her by a judge in a court of law, the reasons for which seemed a mystery at the time, but the method behind the madness will become apparent. Besides that, it keeps "Annabelle" out of jail and introduces her to a way of life far removed from that she was used to. It also leads to the meeting of Kay whose life was unknowingly connected to her's despite their backgrounds being worlds apart. "Annabelle" has a sad past in which she was orphaned at the age of twelve. The circumstances of her parents deaths were cut and dried, apparently, alt...