Review of "7 Years of Bad Sex" by Nicky Wells

Nicky Wells - Author This time Nicky Wells has taken it to her readers in a big way!! Already known for her Rock Star themed tales, this time we are really let into the sex, drugs and rock and roll lifestyle - in a very unique way! Well, the band is doing well, the drugs are a bit accidental and the sex ...., erm, maybe not quite up to muster! Casey and Alex are great friends, co-band members and lovers. They tie the knot in a spectacular fashion off the French coast and all should be rosy but something happens and the earth moves - no, not in that way - and they find themselves faced with issues that no married couple want to admit to. Their methods at finding a solution to their problems, along with some help from their band-member friends and, some colourful new acquaintances, make hilarious reading. Touching on a frequently taboo topic this book actually does give us readers something to think about! I really do not want to give to...